MD’s Message – Kingston Public School

MD’s Message

We are committed to progressively and attentively monitoring the academic extra-curricular needs of our students, whilst offering individual freedom to nurture and encourage creative confidence in our students. It is believed that to succeed in today’s competitive scenario, a strong and healthy foundation is the key that will surely open scores of doors of opportunities.

We undertook the historic task of pioneering the Kingston Public School with merely two dozens of pupils and 6 Teachers.Our school has founded its place among one of the best public schools of Uttarakhand and registered one of the highest percentages of successful students since its inception. Kingston Public School comes with an uncompromising commitment. It aims to achieve specific, measurable, observable and quantifiable results among all aspirants/students. Because the School has a vision to provide value based education to young minds and provide a dynamic learning environment.

The School has a sprawling campus with classrooms designed in a manner to ensure natural lighting and Ventilation. The dedicated labs for Physics, Chemistry and Biology ensure a practical understanding of theory. The well-stocked library has a wide array of books for reference as well as to inculcate the habit of extensive reading. The students participate in a wide array of extracurricular activities ranging from various sports, self defence, yoga, art & craft etc. We provide an outdoor experience to students by organizing fetes, excursions and treks where teachers act as observers of discipline and planning. Sports day and Parent’s day are special occasions for students to showcase their capabilities and talents. To further boost the leadership skills we have begun classes of Personality Development for Senior Students. There are sessions of defense awareness of various weapons and machinery of defense forces.

KPS has specialized education partners to ensure success of students desirous of serving our motherland by joining the Army, Navy, Air force or Paramilitary forces. The Onset of Corona Pandemic has heralded the advent of online support to education activities. The School is affiliated to the C.B.S.E. New Delhi and managed by K.P.S. Samiti , a society registered under the societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.

We firmly believe that the parents are their child’s first and most important teacher. Parents play a vital role in the education of their children. We happily welcome all our parents to take an active role in the education of their children and to be the active participants in our school life. Get to know the staff, especially the child’s teachers and assist where you can so we can work together in the interests of everyone. We always strive to build strong parent teacher relationship which is very important for the academic success of our students.

Our mission is to help the young generation acquire the necessary skills, attitude, ability and insight to excel in whatever they do. They should be ready to accept challenges, with all risks, ready to go to any corner of the earth, ready to innovate and work hard wherever they are. We are trying our level best to develop character, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and selfless service in our students. I want my whole family of KPS to pledge with me that – “We will dedicate ourselves to our basic mission to strive for excellence in every field.”
Our aim is to prepare the students to be winners, keen learners, progressive thinkers, good communicators and responsible citizens.